Thank you very much.
First of all, I want to provide some comfort to Mr. Komarnicki that I'm not satisfied with the answer on the $60 million. A simple reading of the estimates indicates that this $59.7 million--and these are the government's words--is funding “to compensate for the reduction in administration costs charged to the Employment Insurance Account”.
Last week at the Senate--and I believe Madame Binette was there and perhaps others--in response to a question from Senator Ringuette, which was “with regard to the $59.7 million for EI...” and then it goes on to say “to add the $60 million to human resources for processing purposes”. The answer that came back from Su Dazé said, among other things, “This is not additional money to HRSDC. We have one pot of money and it is a matter of allocation, so it is a zero-sum gain.”
I still need a little reassurance that it wasn't a cut in administration and then an additional $60 million that made up for that cut.