I was very pleased with Mr. Drummond's comments. He has identified exactly what it is we're doing and why we are trying to do it. He said it's targeted. Yes, it is, because there is a large portion of the unemployed who fall into this class, in quantities—sheer numbers and percentages—that haven't existed prior to this recession. These are unusual circumstances; they call for unusual measures, targeted measures, that will help people, particularly in those sectors that have been hard-hit. Forestry and manufacturing, including the auto sector, are examples. And let's not forget that a large chunk of the forestry sector is actually manufacturing.
In our discussions and round tables that we have had across the country, we heard that most of the workers who are in these sectors will qualify—normally they would qualify, with the grace period that we've allowed of 35 weeks of EI benefits within the last five years. We're confident that this is going to provide the extra help that these particularly challenged individuals—because of the industries from which they come—are going to need. We need to give them a hand up now to help them take the extra time they need to look for a job.