That ties in with the previous question in some ways. In the career transition assistance program we recognized long-tenured workers. There were specific targeted measures for them, in terms of extra EI benefits. They invested in their own re-education and retraining. There were also retraining opportunities available for all unemployed--those long-tenured workers, but even those who were off EI, whether they had exhausted their benefits or hadn't been in the workforce for many years.
In that career transition initiative we identified the definition of long-tenured workers, and to make sure we were consistent we used the same definition for this bill. Once we had identified that group and defined it, we wanted to make sure we kept that definition. We recognized even last January that this was going to be a challenge, given the makeup of the layoffs we'd seen across the country.
So we made a commitment last January to track how the labour market was working or not; who was being most harshly affected; who was having the biggest challenges; and how we could best help them. This initiative has those things in mind.