Just to make a point here, and I don't want to make a smokescreen and get all worked up about it, but the fact of the matter is there was talk about getting this bill passed immediately when we first talked about this bill. We wanted to be sure we got this forward so that those who are entitled to them can get the benefits. We then decided to elongate the process to ensure we could have hearings, and we're going to have departmental witnesses and some additional witnesses, and we extended that for yet another day to benefit Mr. Lessard, who wanted additional witnesses called. We did that, and we heard the issues back and forth and what they are. The long and the short of it is we need to see if the essence of the bill is passed or not, and we're saying it needs to get passed.
As to the fact of the numbers, he's going to argue whether it's 190,000 helped or 180,000 helped. We do know what the definitions are, very clearly, and those who fit the definitions will be helped. They will be into the thousands, somewhere in the area of 190,000, give or take. That material explains how it came out to it and how they came out to cost it.
We need to get on with the business of having this matter go forward, and I would suggest that after some opportunity for debate, we need to go to clause-by-clause, and I would so move.