It's definitely intended to develop a strategy that can be implemented, but I think, as you've heard from witnesses and through so many other reports over the years, there is simply a sense that not enough is being done and what is being done is not being done in a coordinated way. The idea that the federal government would be working in partnership with other jurisdictions, whether they be provinces, territories, first nations, the not-for-profit sector, or municipalities, is a very core element of the bill.
While we've all seen individual programs over the years, whether or not they're homelessness programs, if you talk to any one of these experts—I'm not necessarily the expert, but the folks who are here today are—I think what you'll hear from people is that those measures in and of themselves are obviously very important, but overall there is still a huge need that is not being met, partly because we haven't had that overall framework from the federal government.
That is what this bill is trying to get at. In Canada, we used to have housing programs from the federal government that the provinces and the municipalities could buy into. Much of that is gone, and now we're left with these one-off or much more piecemeal attempts, as you've heard today from some of the witnesses. We want to get beyond that and get into a strategy that actually can be implemented and will deliver the results we need.