Yes. I think that's a very good point and certainly, in a lot of its work, CMHC does talk about it and has a definition of core-need housing. In the bill, it is broader and general. I think that in the development of such a strategy—and you certainly heard from the AFN earlier—you then need to go into the detail in terms of exactly what those definitions are.
Even with core-need housing as it is defined, many people think it's actually very limited. I know there will probably be other witnesses today who will tell us that in other countries and other jurisdictions the definitions, the variables, and the criteria that are included are much more detailed. In this bill, we didn't want to overly prescribe that, because I think that in developing the strategy it's precisely one of the issues that needs to be discussed and agreed upon with the partners.
Yes, you could say, on the one hand, that maybe this is too general, but I think that on the other hand it allows for those details to actually be really worked out in the development of a framework and a strategy. A consensus will come from that. We have certain measures in Canada. I think there are many arguments about why we should be including other criteria as well, some of which you've identified in just your own questioning.