In general, this goes to the issue of social insurance, and to some extent it differs from commercial insurance. You are pooling this across a broad population, which makes it sustainable. It actually goes, to some extent, to the question you just asked.
Outside of Quebec, I worry about a separate fund for this, because we have heard over the years the position taken by some business organizations and occasionally by some politicians in regard to these benefits, these so-called “social benefits”, though reaffirmed in a recent Supreme Court decision as a proper mandate of the employment insurance system. Set aside, I think it would become more vulnerable to those who would want to take social benefits out of the EI system.
Where we do best, I think, is where we are sharing this responsibility across the broad population, and yes, I'm sure my dentist won't participate and would not want to be paying premiums, but I also know there are other populations within the payroll employees. Some teachers might argue, “I'm never going to be able to qualify, why do I contribute?” The only way that a social insurance system can sustain itself is if everybody is contributing and pools that risk through thick and thin, one occupation to another, from one end of the country to the other—and I do a set-aside for Quebec.