In reality, Mr. Vermaeten, you have two sets of workplaces, one paying conceivably twice as much for the benefit to that worker. And of course there's also the unemployment piece of it that goes along with that.
Now you have a new set of entitlements, for which they pay half. So the government is now entering into the business, by way of what you've chosen to do here, of determining the value of different work out there, as opposed to leaving it to the market to determine, in my view.
This brings me to my second question, which is this question of the $6,000. The regular EI payer has to work 600 hours. It doesn't matter how much they make; they have to work 600 hours. Now you have a set of people out there who, once they hit $6,000.... Some self-employed whom I know make $1,000 an hour, so in six hours they could become fully vested, to the point where they then can make calculations after that first year.
Are you concerned about this disparity? Is there not something we should be doing with this before we actually put it in place, or that we should be considering down the road quite quickly to make sure this disparity doesn't exist anymore?