In reality, our member communities through the Nicola Tribal Association have gone to great lengths to protect the identified stocks when they come through DFO management systems. If they say leave the early Stuart salmon alone... I have not eaten an early Stuart salmon in over ten years. I have not eaten one, because we let them go by. This year we faithfully waited, to protect the early-run chinook, to protect the early Stuarts that were going by. We were told that there were seven million salmon coming back in the mid-summer, so I encouraged all of my community members to leave those fish alone, and they listened—they're very concerned about the salmon resource—only to find out that the mid-summer run had absolutely crashed.
Yet all of the other stocks that were doing well this year are the stocks that did not pass through any fish farms. One plus one does equal two. It is very clear. Why are the Fraser-bound salmon stocks crashing while the other stocks did very well this year? It's because none of those other stocks had to pass through the fish farms. It's simple.