I agree. But people who are poor do pay their landlords' property taxes; they pay GST and PST and things like that. It's not that they don't pay tax. But this whole idea of having to keep lowering taxes is really disastrous to people who have low income, I think.
The other thing that goes with that is that if you increase taxes, you have to increase it on everybody equally, which is not true. I think we have to start looking at people at the upper end who are getting massive increases in wealth and income in proportion to people at the lower end, who are losing, and start hitting them.
I see Ed Broadbent came out with something saying that people who earn over $200,000 should be taxed for child benefits. If you increased their taxes by only a little, it would mean almost $4 billion that could be put into a child benefit. This idea that we have to keep reducing taxes is an extremely dangerous idea, because it undermines the whole basis that we can have a good social, universal thing that promotes solidarity among Canadians, and it moves towards privatization, where low-income people always get the worst end of the stick.