Thank you very much.
It occurs to us all the time, as we get to see different parts of this country and the people who work with others in trying to help them deal with poverty, that a lot of those people who do it are volunteers. And those who do get paid don't get paid very much. They are very much heroes in the system.
Here in Vancouver--it's not my job to give advice to the provincial government, as we have enough problems federally--we're hearing about B.C. having among the highest, if not the highest, levels of child poverty in the country; about a minimum wage of $8; about a training wage of $6; about people working for perhaps $5 just to get money to put food on the table; and about food bank usage being up 15% in the last year.
So B.C. has some issues; federally, we're abandoning our responsibility.
David, I want to thank you. You mentioned the dollar stores in Halifax. That's our friend Norman Greenberg. I don't know if you know Norman. He's a fabulous guy.