There are a lot of challenges. There are a lot of things that are difficult in addressing these issues of poverty, but one thing is very clear, which is that the heroes of the fight are the people on the ground, like you, who are doing this work because it needs to be done.
Some people are doing it because they see it as God's instruction to them as human beings. Some people are doing it just because they feel that there are people who need help. Not many of them are doing it for personal betterment or big salaries. We know that. So it seems to me, at the very least, that the government has to acknowledge that we have abandoned some of that field and that we need to resource those who are doing it, and that federal government money could be leveraged significantly by not disenfranchising people who are best able to do that work. It's not that you want to be doing this, but somebody needs to do it, and you're doing it.