I'm certainly sorry that things have gone in the direction of repealing that. It makes no sense to me, given what we know about the use of guns even here in the Yukon. People say long guns are used for hunting. Well, long guns are being used to kill women. The incidence of violence again women with the use of guns is high. So that does not make sense to me.
When we know there are various levels of violence against women—hitting, stabbing, burning, shoving, shooting—and when we know that affects women and those women's children, and when we know that those children grow up to do those same kinds of behaviours, addressing the issue of violence against women is.....
We have a campaign going on at Victoria Faulkner, with the Yukon Aboriginal Women's Circle and Les EssentiElles, to lead up to the anniversary of the Montreal massacre and also acknowledge the more than 520 aboriginal women who have disappeared or been murdered. We are asking 521 men to sign a card that they won't commit or condone or remain silent about violence against women. We want them to not only sign the card but say what they're going to do to end violence against women. We're asking men to step up to the plate. We're saying that men's violence is harming our world: do something about it.