The recommendations are: provide educational resources for home schooling; provide adaptations to the classroom when required; make all public spaces accessible for daily living; provide proper instruction for those who are disabled; provide more accessible and affordable housing; provide funding to adapt washrooms and living spaces to accommodate the disabled; make changes to the current welfare system so that it is a work-to-earn system in whatever form people can provide assistance to society—it may not be your typical understanding of what work might entail; have the government verify, through a complete audit, that persons on welfare actually deserve it and are in need of it—this will free up money for those who actually need social assistance; a thorough review of the territorial supplementary health benefits and national non-insured health benefits system; ensure that those benefits are actually helping those whom it is designed for—this also means a complete review of the approved medication list for NIHB.
To continue with the recommendations: more shelters need to be created in the north, as very few exist and there is overcrowding; a thorough action plan needs to be designed to help abolish poverty, and let's look at what other northern regions have done and create something for the NWT; support services are required for families who have children with disabilities, such as respite care, community level supports, and day care that accepts children with disabilities; there should be a complete review of government-subsidized programs for persons with an income who are ineligible for assistance but in dire need of it
Thank you, Mr. Chair, for allowing me to make this presentation.