Yes, that one, and that's partnering with the government and partnering with the real estate branch, one of the head ones in Manitoba in real estate. It goes a long way, and I don't think you could separate the two. I don't think you could separate the two, because housing on-reserve is no different from any housing. The need is still there. I would say half of our population is in cities now. The migration to cities is going to get higher as the need gets higher in our communities. Just in my community alone, there is a backlog of 400 houses. Then that compounds the overcrowding.
There should be a separate one, because as I said, we are unique. We are an anomaly. It's not special status; it is something we have under treaty and it is something owed to us. This is not a sense of entitlement. This is rhetorical, but I believe in capitalism. I believe in some of the things about taxes and who is going to help pay for the recession and who is going to help bring that debt down. I believe in those things. I also believe in socialism, a bit of Marxism there, but I do believe in a balance of the two. We need some compassion for our people. I believe in a hand up. I also believe in a handout.
I want to say again, after I talked about the myth earlier that our people are lazy, that there is a community in B.C., one of the most successful in Canada, the Osoyoos First Nation. Chief Clarence Louie talks about how successful they are, and the key is to just get off your butt--excuse my language. But that is not the only key. Not everybody has a geographic location like he has. He basically won a geographic lottery. We cannot duplicate what he did there in a lot of our remote communities in Manitoba.