The commitment is actually in addition, on top of our base funding. These are additional funds to help us get through this tough time. We know that youths are having a particular challenge finding work just because of the nature of this recession.
The Skills Link program actually focuses its efforts on helping young people who face a variety of challenges to find work. These may be social or developmental challenges or the background from which they come. It helps these young people learn a variety of things. It might be something as simple as how to dress when you go to work. It might be the importance of being on time, how to look for a job, how to handle the interview, or how to conduct yourself within the work environment once you land a job. In some cases, it's to help them develop the skills they need to go back and continue or even complete their education.
These are young people at risk. The Skills Link program has been extremely successful in adapting itself to the varying needs of these young people and getting them into the workplace or back to school. It has been a real success story. That is why we are investing an extra $30 million in it--because we know these young people need help and we want to be there to provide it for them.