We do not currently reach out to university students or to anyone in particular to say that adoption is an option except in the sense that, as the Adoption Council of Canada, we try to promote adoption as an option to anyone. We represent birth parents as well as adoptees and adoptive parents.
Part of our challenge is funding. We don't actually receive any support from any provinces, with the exception of Alberta, which gives us $10,000 a year towards our Canada's Waiting Children program. We're constantly struggling to find funding.
We would like to be able to promote adoption as an option more effectively across the country to everyone; we're not going to target a particular population, I don't think, but we are looking at trying to raise the funds for a national campaign identifying, perhaps, prominent Canadians who have benefited from adoption, and making it more high profile as an issue. We would love to see people like yourselves talking about it more often, just talking about the issue of the children who are in child welfare systems across Canada and the fact they need homes.