It is important to consider the context. You cannot compare Lebel-sur-Quévillon to places like Trois-Rivières, Toronto, Sarnia, Windsor or Hamilton. In Lebel-sur-Quévillon, we are talking about 425 workers out of a population of approximately 990 workers. I did some calculations to see what the equivalent would be for Montreal. The 425 workers who lost their jobs in Lebel-sur-Quévillon would represent the equivalent of 55,000 jobs lost in Montreal. As was the case in Lebel-sur-Quévillon, if Montreal were suddenly to lose 55,000 jobs, there would be challenges for the rest of the population. There is the disadvantage of being in a large city, compared to Lebel-sur-Quévillon, which is a small town, with a very tight-knit community. The work was shared and people working for businesses in the town shared the available work so that people could accumulate the necessary number of hours. They had that opportunity, whereas a worker who has been locked out or who is on strike does not.
If you do not mind, could I just say, in response to the question asked earlier, that we are not asking that the number of hours during the strike or lockout be calculated; we are asking that this period not be included in the calculation and that it be carried forward instead to the time when the strike or lockout began.