I'd like to reiterate the gratitude that all the parties have shared with Major Duquette and his wife, Anne, for championing this cause originally.
Had you never brought this issue to my attention and had you not had the diligence to follow up with additional legislative research that you conducted independently, I'm not sure we would have gotten this far. Thanks also for being here today to help us to continue to push over the finish line.
If I could say one more thank you, it's to the committee members from all parties, who have been very supportive in making this happen. I'm hoping we can all work together to get it done as soon as possible.
First of all, Jim, I noticed that when you saw your wife for the first time in some months here on the screen, your face lit up. I know that the time I knocked on your door, I was interrupting you; you were about to head out on a date. I stopped you and nabbed about five or six minutes off your otherwise romantic dinner time. I apologize for that.