Thank you for your question. It's always a pleasure to hear parliamentarians fight among themselves with respect to who wants to take credit for how fast they can get something done, because that's so rare.
With respect to the provinces, from what I understand, Ontario has recently signed on. We're pleased to see that. We would obviously have preferred they were faster. My understanding is that Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have not yet signed on to the program. I don't work for the department, so of course I don't know the exact status, and I stand to be corrected by information that may be made public. I'm not privy to the inside details, to be candid, although I wish I were. Manitoba, as well, and Quebec, is my understanding, are the provinces that have not yet signed on.
My understanding of the argument from the non-Quebec provinces--I don't know Quebec's argument, to be candid, but the non-Quebec provinces have said that they think their populations are insufficiently large to merit their involvement in the program. I would argue that no matter how large they are, the smaller they are, the less cost to the program of their involvement. So I would argue they ought to be involved regardless of the size of the population, sir.