I hate to say so, but you can see my next question coming--that it seems to me that the same applies pretty well to dependent children, and even to non-dependent children. That is why I cannot understand why you don't ask that question as well. It seems to me that children might come to visit their parents and that if the children are still dependent, it's all the more reason you would want to know they existed. That's the first part.
The second part is, when this bill becomes law, which is likely fairly soon, do you have any intention of changing the questionnaire for people being incarcerated to ask them whether they have any dependent spouses and/or children, so that you have that information and we have that information, and HRSDC eventually has that information as well? It seems to me that it's an important bit of information in terms of the impact this bill is going to have, not only on the incarcerated individual but also on his family, on his dependants.