One minute?
Thank you very much, Mr. Vellacott and Madam Chair.
I have a number of questions; obviously a minute won't do much.
Part of it is to do with the issue of proof of an event. Your bill talks about if it can be inferred from the circumstances that the death is probably the result of a suicide. And you have others, but you use the word “probably”. Of course, in most cases you either try to prove the fact by proving it beyond a reasonable doubt or in the balance of probabilities, or if it's based on circumstantial evidence, there must not be any other rational conclusion. But to say “probably” leaves it pretty wide open. The question is, who decides what “probably” means? Is it the police, the employees, the employer? And given that it's so wide in its definition, what happens if you're wrong? They've paid out a claim and later it turns out that “probably” was too wide a definition.
I know you don't have much time to answer it, but it's a very grave concern that I have—amongst others, I might say, that we won't have a chance to ask in this short time.