For the post-adoption supports, I can really only speak for Ontario. A lot of the time, it depends on your agency. A lot of your smaller agencies don't have post-adoption support groups. We have the larger agencies, because the confidentiality and what have you aren't exactly welcoming to families from other jurisdictions, from other agencies. Once you go to court and get the document that says the child is yours, the social workers are gone. They don't want to hear from you. Unless something goes horribly wrong, they're gone.
The support is really friends, other people who have been there. That's in a public scenario. In a private scenario, there is really nothing that I'm aware of. I have friends who have done it. I have family who have done the private route, and once you sign the documents, there is nothing. If something does develop, you then hope you can connect with somebody who has gone public and can access some of those supports in terms of groups and put friends in touch with friends.
That's where the disparity is. There is no follow-up once you sign those documents in court.