You do have an additional information piece through the EI benefits. If you look at some of the things the parents are talking about there, we want to minimize adoption disruptions. When children who have had extremely severe experiences come into families, those families don't always understand. They are trying to meet those needs. So not always do families attach to their children. Sometimes that's a long process.
Families, particularly mothers, struggle with guilt, infertility, grief, loss, not being able to attach to a child who is not biologically related to them, with that child's physical and mental needs. So, for example—and I'll be direct—your child wakes up in the middle of the night and is urinating in a corner and you need to find out the underlying reason for that. Now, that's the need of the child, but how do the parents cope with that? You're dealing with lack of sleep, you're dealing with a child who won't sleep so therefore you're not sleeping. And I could go on forever.
There's a lot of research out there for the impact that adoptive parents experience in the adoption process.