So why am I so passionate about this issue? Three of our adopted children are Canadian registered aboriginal children, and these kids mean the world to us. This makes us think about all the other children, just like them, being denied adopted families because of their aboriginal status. How sad. This is truly a travesty.
In 2007, the number of aboriginal children in foster care was three times the number that were in residential schools at their height.
As a nation, we cannot afford to lose yet another generation of aboriginal children. Our own three aboriginal children are well on their way to going into their adult lives physically and emotionally healthy, while holding high school diplomas and the opportunity to follow their own dreams with higher education. We consider our adopted children to be the lucky children. They are growing up loved and secure. They are ready to take on life and find their own success. This is the hope we have for every child waiting to be adopted.
Every single child in Canada will one day grow up and either become a taxpayer or a tax burden. Today we have the opportunity to bring changes that will give each child the support he or she needs to become a taxpayer, who contributes to this amazing Canadian life, instead of a tax burden.
Every single Canadian child deserves parents in their corner, cheering and encouraging them on and believing in them. Let's not let this shame of 30,000 kids continue any longer. This truly is a Canadian issue that must be dealt with immediately. The children are depending on us. Our nation is depending on you to help us find some solutions.
Thank you.