I sincerely and honestly want to get at this issue and try to pull it apart. Yes, not having enough of an income and so on is sometimes a factor, but there are some other issues as well, obviously.
As was true in that era, I know that today a lot of families don't know anything about or access child and family services. So I need to understand, Cindy, a little more when you talk about child and family services. I really sincerely want to know what is meant by that. Most Canadians don't access it, don't know much about it. It may even be a fearful thing if child and family services has to step in. So tell me what you mean.
Then help me on the list of “services”. I'm assuming they might be things like education, health, and so on. My reserves have schools, and we have differences in terms of quality, possibly, although some would dispute that. But anyway, help me on this whole issue of services, and the poverty issue in particular.