Madam Chair, this notice of motion factors in the decision made by the House of Commons on September 29, 2010. The motion read as follows:
That the House calls on the Government of Canada to reinstate immediately the long-form census; and given that no person has ever been imprisoned for not completing the census, the House further calls on the government to introduce legislative amendments to the Statistics Act to remove completely the provision of imprisonment from Section 31 of the Act in relation to the Long-form Census, the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture.
So my motion is as follows:
Whereas all witnesses heard by the HUMA Committee demonstrated that the long form should be retained;
Whereas the reintroduction of the long form should be done before the next census is held;
In light of the social impacts anticipated from abolition of the mandatory long-form census
I move: That, the committee recommend that the government, if necessary, delay the next census to a later date so that it can be carried out in full compliance with the House of Commons decision of September 29, 2010, and that the committee so report to the House at the earliest opportunity.