All right, thank you.
Mr. Cox, dealing with New Brunswick specifically, I take it the exception there that would allow age discrimination would deal with pension plans or plans established by the employer for the compulsory investing or locking in of pension contributions at a fixed or a determinable age in accordance with the Pension Benefit Standards Act, or something like that.
Do we need to go the full way of excluding or allowing for age discrimination where the pension plans are involved? Or can we take a middle ground, as I think was proposed by FETCO? It said we should allow for a discriminatory practice if the operation or terms and conditions of a bona fide retirement or pension plan where a bona fide group or employee insurance plan differentiates between individuals because of age. Can we not take a middle ground and say you can differentiate because of age for the purposes of the benefit plans? That would be less restrictive than New Brunswick but still a discrimination. What's your point of view on that?