Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I want to thank you very much, Miranda and Alisha and Lisa and Jon, for coming here today.
It might be a little bit daunting to think you're coming before a parliamentary committee, or maybe it's not. It would have been for me at the age of 20 or 21 or 32, or if I ever get to be 50. It's always a bit of a challenge, but I'm going to tell you, you've brought forward your messages very clearly and very effectively today, and I thank you for that.
We've been studying this issue for some time, and it's been very interesting. It's taken us in a lot of directions.
Clearly, you four are the face of adoption. You are the best spokespeople, in many ways, for adoption and the difference it can make in the lives of people. Many of us take a family for granted. We've had that in place when we're born, and we have it through all of our childhood years, certainly in my case.
I think it was you, Alisha, perhaps, who mentioned your not having somebody to go to when you have a personal crisis of some kind. Now, in my case, my father was a great man. He was involved in many, many things, but it was my mother I used to seek out for a cup of tea. So you bring a powerful message.
Miranda, you spoke about your sisters, one of whom hanged herself, one of whom died on the streets. What would have happened to you if you had not been adopted, do you think?