I would like to support that motion, in that some of us do a fair bit of preparation before we come, in order to be able to ask the minister and officials some relevant and good questions. The more we're able to access exactly what the minister and her officials are going to say, the better we can do that job. So in the interests of our being able to do our job well, I think this motion makes sense.
Before I continue, I'd like to tell the committee—I suppose everybody knows this—that the chair's family is here, and in the interests of the family I want to say that you are doing an excellent job, and particularly from the standpoint of this end of the table, in protecting the right of all of the members to have a chance to ask questions. So far in your tenure, we've gotten to the fourth party every time for the last round, and that didn't happen very often previously. I want to thank you for that. I think it's important to recognize that we have a right, as well as everybody else, to ask our questions. We have an order of asking that I think needs to be respected, and you do that.
Getting back to this motion, asking for 90 minutes to be allocated after the minister makes his or her presentation would ensure that this in fact continues to happen, and if for some unfortunate reason you should be replaced by somebody else, the next chair would do equally as fair a job in making sure that everybody gets their chance to ask questions.
Those would be the reasons behind my supporting the resolution the member has presented this afternoon.
Thank you.