I think most of the housing issues that were referred to, of course, are around first nations, and I think it is an embarrassment that we have that kind of infrastructure. But those challenges exist in urban areas as well, and do you know what? It's a market-based approach to poverty. What happens is, if you simply cannot afford to live anywhere else, you go to where you can live. Your cousins come into town and they come in with you. It breaks down your infrastructure and your home. If you've had the opportunity to be in the Moccasin Flats in Regina, or of course the downtown east side, or parts of Winnipeg or even Saskatoon, it's incredible the decrepit conditions of the houses that exist.
I think slumlords have a role to play in the enforcement of existing housing standards. I think some of the landlord and tenant acts in this country are a disgrace. I think they protect the people who own the homes, as opposed to the people inside the homes who get evicted. I think there's a multitude of factors at play here. At the end of the day, I think the most--