Certainly we have some concerns with respect to this motion.
The first part, although it says at the discretion of the chair, and you're indicating that it is depending on how many witnesses there are, that statement is not in here. Depending on who the chair is, when it says it's at the discretion of the chair, they'll make it the way they want. So I think we need to be a little bit clearer on that part, if that is the intent; otherwise, we will leave it at ten minutes.
The other part I'm concerned about is with respect to the changes that are actually occurring here. In the past we've had seven minutes. Our position is that we would like to stay with the seven minutes.
The other part I have some concerns about, or I don't agree with, is that the Conservative Party should go first. In previous committees it's always been that the opposition goes first, and then it goes to the next. So I would prefer that we stay with the status quo from before.
Thank you.