I think this may be a good time to move to the Centennial Flame Research Award. As you know, the Centennial Flame has a research award that's awarded annually. All the coins that are collected there go to a trust, and it can be explained maybe a little more clearly, but every year there's a notice for those who wish to apply to receive a grant from those proceeds. Maybe you can explain what the criteria are, generally speaking, and summarize it. You might mention the fact that we didn't put out the notice before Parliament adjourned, so we're late for this year, 2011. It would seem that if we were to give adequate notice to people to apply for this fund, we might want to give the clerk and the analyst some time. I know there were discussions saying do what you normally do, but have the proposals come in by October 15 so members can put it in their householders and notify people of that. So that's the first order of business.
I think the fund is usually $4,500. It's been raised by $500 increments, and there's some suggestion that maybe we should raise it by another $500.
So those are the parameters, if you want to go into it in a little more depth. Then we can see if we can entertain the motion you had in mind.