It probably wouldn't be a bad idea, though, to make it happen somewhere in a convenient spot, when you have time to do that, so we could hear from them and see how this award is working or not working. It would help publicize it as well. Take a few photos or pictures.
So keep that in mind.
All right, then, we won't have any further discussion on the Centennial Flame Research Award.
Seeing that we still have a bit of time, we may want to talk a little bit about the committee's general feeling about what we might want to be doing in future business.
I should mention that before the last session was finished this committee conducted a fairly extensive study on adoption. The analysts actually prepared a report. We went through the report, tweaked it, and sent it back to them for a final report. Of course then the election was called. Perhaps it would be a bit of waste to let that report simply die.
There was some suggestion that we would bring that report and its evidence before this committee for consideration, maybe for submission as a report of this committee. There was a motion that could be circulated. You can think about that. It would basically bring the evidence and the documentation received before the committee, along with the report, I suppose, for final review by the committee. If the committee is so disposed, it could adopt the report and report it to the House.
The hearings were well received by the witnesses and they actually did point out some fairly interesting gaps or deficiencies that the federal government might look at and address.
So we'll see what the view and the opinion of this committee is.
Maybe what we should do is have someone move the motion, and then we'll have discussion.
Do I have a mover of the motion?
Moved by Mr. Butt.
Now we can have some discussion.
Ms. Crowder, go ahead.