Thanks very much for being here today.
I want to commend you because I'm familiar with the Baffin Island success. That was a neat project in the way it evolved. There was no real human resource infrastructure in the commercial fishery, or it was very, very limited--and as well, the vessels and all the gear and that.
There's one thing where I think they were successful. Maybe this will come out through the study, but if we want some hands-on training and mentoring--which you mentioned was an important thing--and if there's a P3 going forward as part of that business plan, they can factor in used equipment. For many of the federal programs, if you're going to acquire specific equipment, there's a condition that it be new equipment. But I think one of the successes of the Baffin Island program, which you're familiar with, was that this was used gear for the most part, wasn't it?