The pilot project approach takes about one year. Then you move from one year to the next. You're always testing some new approach, rather than building on approaches that have shown promise.
I haven't been funded by government for a long time, so I can't give you examples of pilots that should not have gone ahead, pilots with funding you could reallocate. My main point is that the reason for a pilot is to assess whether it's worked or not. If it hasn't worked, then you don't continue. If it has worked, then I would hope we could scale those things up. I haven't had pilots that dismally failed, where money could be reallocated. It isn't usually a lot of money. It's usually $5,000 to a college here, $5,000 to a college there. Some colleges will do well. Some won't do as well. You take the lesson from that. You move forward and try to scale up the best practices.
I don't know if my colleagues have any ideas on pilots that have gone haywire, million-dollar pilots whose money could be placed elsewhere. I don't have any examples of those, but maybe you guys have one.