It is a wonderful job you guys have been doing, and I thank you very much for that.
Even though I haven't had a chance to visit any Service Canada office yet, I definitely hear from my staff about all kinds of cooperation there. In my riding of Calgary Northeast, we have a unique multicultural population and quite a few seniors are of an Indian background.
I was reading somewhere that seniors can earn up to $3,500 per year in Canada without having GIS clawed back, an improvement that I believe was brought by our good Conservative government. But there seems to be some confusion, because I have been told by seniors, specifically ex-servicemen and seniors societies, et cetera, that it does not hold true for seniors who accumulate up to $3,500 in small foreign pensions or other income sources in countries like India, from which they are technically not allowed to bring that money to Canada.
I just want some input on that so I can share it with my constituents.