In 2009 one of the big achievements we had in terms of mobility, both internally and in ensuring that people coming from other countries or who had been trained in another country could have more access to the labour market, was the pan-Canadian framework for foreign credential recognition, which was key to that achievement.
Based on that, there were two sets of priority occupations that were identified under to ensure that the individuals who could potentially be working in those occupations would have fast assessments of whether their credentials could be recognized in Canada.
Last December, for the first set of occupations, we basically achieved our goal of ensuring that within a year, people would be advised if their credentials would or would not be recognized in Canada. Now we are working on a second set of occupations.
The other main achievement was the interprovincial trade agreement where, basically, we reached agreement that people who have been assessed in one province, particularly in an unregulated profession, would be able to work in any other province in Canada. That was also an achievement.