One of the facts you mentioned in particular was the level of electronic applications we receive. You quoted the 99% figure. Indeed, we've had great success in getting our clients to submit their applications online. They include individuals applying from their homes online, but also by visiting one of our Service Canada centres, where our staff often assist clients if they have any difficulties in filling out the application using a terminal in the Service Canada centre. So between individuals doing it at home or in a Service Canada centre, that's what's enabled us to achieve this level of electronic applications. It has been extremely helpful to us, having that data electronically to process the claim in a more timely, accurate, and cost-effective manner as well. That's been one key element of our automation agenda.
The other key document we need is the record of employment from employers, where we've had great success too. Almost two-thirds of our records of employment are now submitted by employers electronically.
Having those two critical pieces of information in an electronic form has allowed us to take advantage of technology and move to more cost-effective processing.