That's a very good point. When we started with the survey as GE, we wanted to stay in the area we felt we knew, which was the business community and the business lens. There isn't really a lot of available current literature, so that's where we focused. Of course, as we did our round tables, members who joined the round tables represented their communities as well as businesses. We were also joined by a number of municipal and territorial government officials.
You're quite right. There are people who are available and looking for opportunities, but the communities themselves commented on the gap. They talked a lot about a population that is a little bit shy and feels that they're not up to southern standards, if you will. Along comes opportunities for jobs, and people feel that maybe they're not able to do them, when they actually can with some training. There's an inherent shyness about going for that, because of the perception that maybe in the south things are better and there's this huge difference. It's a matter of building the confidence to approach the opportunities.