Yes, I think we would be remiss if we didn't acknowledge that national panel on education that has just been completed. It had some very significant recommendations with respect to emergency funding. Funding parity doesn't mean exactly the same funding level per teacher. It also means a level of secondary supports available, like guidance counsellors and science laboratories. Parity is a complicated question. You talked about systems; I think that's important.
The other issue is that a post-secondary supports program that funds those who happen to graduate from high school seems to be under constant attack in expenditure review processes.
I remember I presented to that committee on post-secondary supports. INAC officials, at that time, were asked directly if this was a discretionary program. They said yes, it was. With all of the success of the people who graduate from high school, those who move on only can with the supports that are made available. I think it's important for the committee to maybe reflect upon that.