Thank you very much. It's a great presentation.
There used to be a time when we used to see lots and lots of job fairs. I'm not saying there are none now, but there just doesn't seem to be as much focus as there used to be. We do have a lot of people who are unemployed. I'm just wondering if there's an outreach going on there. Is there something that the government could do in the way of outreach? Could they say, “Okay, you are unemployed. Here are some of the skills that you have. Do you know it's actually connected to science? Here's what you could do to move yourself a little bit closer into this field where there is a shortage.”?
I'm just wondering if you see a connection in that at all, because you talked about the registry that you're creating. I'm just wondering if this would be a way to tap into it, because there are people out there who do have the skills and may not recognize this is something that could be an open door to them.