As programs like new shipbuilding come up, and as we work with the aerospace industry or others, there's a constant dialogue. We brought people in from Pratt & Whitney to speak with MPs back in January. Pratt & Whitney has relationships with 30 or more institutions right across the country. They talk about the kinds of skills they need and the kind of research they rely on universities to do so they can do their thing. There is a great deal of sharing of information across those larger kinds of institutions—whether it's shipbuilding, aerospace, or others—around what the future needs will be for their industries to thrive in a more competitive world. So there's an awful lot of dialogue that goes on between individual universities and groups of institutions.
I see a lot more consortia of institutions where not just one or two universities can help the aerospace industry; they need 30 institutions working together on different aspects to solve the problems of the future. It's that kind of sharing and interaction between institutions at both the local and regional areas that's so important for us right now.