Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Thanks to all of you for being here.
I'm going to start with a more generic question so that each of the witnesses from the different organizations has a chance to respond. Then, if I have time, Mr. Chairman, I might drill down on one or two specific questions in the time we have.
Let me start with this. Are there any highly specialized skills within your industry sectors that may not be accurately reflected at the present time in the broad statistical categories of what Statistics Canada and others come up with for computer professionals, or computer technicians, as we would know them? Can you give us some sense of that?
I'm not a tech person at all. There are even some days when my staff don't think I can work my BlackBerry properly, so I'm learning on this, too, but I know that this is a very important emerging economy in Canada. There are going to be thousands and thousands of jobs in the future in these areas. As one member of Parliament, I want to get my head around what skills are required, what's there, what these jobs entail, and what we need to prepare for, because we know that there are going to be thousands of Canadian jobs in these categories in the future.
Mr. Anani, could you go first? Thank you.