I call the meeting to order.
I want to let members know that we'll want to suspend, after hearing from the witnesses, at about 4:40 or 4:45. I want to go over some committee business and the proposed travel, and there are some issues I want to talk to you about, so keep that in mind. We will make sure that we have a full round of questioning and go past our normal break time.
Having said that, I'd like to welcome the presenters today. We have today with us Jason Kee and Avvey Peters from the Entertainment Software Association of Canada. We have the Information and Communications Technology Council here with us as well. We look forward to hearing from you.
I guess you're with Communitech, Avvey; I'm sorry about that mistake.
Each of you will present. Who is going to start first?
Avvey, would you like to go ahead? You will present, and then we'll hear from all of the others. After that, we will open up to questions from each of the parties.
Please go ahead.