Let me give a response to that one, then I'll ask Morgan and David to comment on it.
I think, from an information gathering point of view, the sectoral studies were good. They were timely, and they addressed certain issues. As we look forward, whether these sectoral groups are there or not, these studies can still be done. It does require some support from the government to work with the private sector to develop them.
I believe that rather than always looking at a study that is more what I call historical, initiative needs to be taken to engage the private sector in telling you where they think the goals are and what kinds of jobs and what kind of talent and skills they will need in the future.
In our business in technology, we separate that out very quickly. Things that are water under the bridge, you cannot really deal with anymore. They are behind you. You can only drive the car looking forward. You can't drive a car by looking at the rear-view mirror, right?
In that sense, these studies need to be done with the industry. I would welcome any opportunity to find a way to engage the private sector and engage them in studies developed with the multiple parties that are around the table. They would be happy to support that.