In terms of outsourcing, most of the jobs that you're talking about are what we call "code cutters"—very low-level jobs that, purely on an economic basis, will go where the economies are better. In terms of the talent jobs you're talking about, we need to start looking at talent as being like your gold. The price of an ounce of gold is the same no matter where you go. The price of top talent is pretty much the same regardless of where in the world you hire them.
The associated jobs that go with it, those are the ones we need to attract more of in the country. The pure outsourcing economic jobs, those would probably be tough for us to get back. The economics just don't work for a lot of the large companies.
But these companies are also exporting and marketing in those countries, so there is a tremendous number of market opportunities that are opening up by setting up those shops. But the big consideration always is, as Morgan says, that the intellectual property always comes to the table. That dictates how you construct that.