On the issue of loan forgiveness, we could consider on the provincial end piloting something like tying a financial incentive to having people contract to work in remote areas for certain periods of time, to see if that might be a help. Dr. Swan might be able to speak to the issue that across the faculties of dentistry in Canada, about eight have set aside specific seats within the dental program for special consideration. Those would be the type of people....
Hopefully, they would be aboriginals, they would be people from remote areas who would be given some other consideration, and there would be an incentive to go back to where they were.
I mentioned the Ontario Dental Association's remote areas program. That's where the federal government has contracted the delivery of services for an area in northwestern Ontario that's literally the size of France. The Ontario Dental Association currently has the contract to supply dentists to that area.
That sort of thing might be something to consider as well.