We need to be looking at, as I said earlier, alternate delivery models, looking much more at public health clinics, satellite clinics in these more remote areas. There may not be enough of a population there to have a full-time dentist, so we have to create a situation where a dentist may be there one or two days a week, or two or three days in a month, and still have a viable practice. That's part of it.
You mentioned the incentives. I think they also tie into this. When you can be there only a few days a week.... You have overhead and you have space and employees who are there the rest of the time as well. So there's an overhead aspect to it.
Probably the major thing we need to get at is the prevention end of it. The vast majority of all dental disease—decay and gum problems—is preventable. So we need to get out there in the schools much more. We need to talk prevention. We need to raise awareness. That's more the direction.