The agreement on internal trade has made mobility much easier once anybody is certified. Red Seal has always been recognized and has been advertised as something related to the labour mobility of a certified journey person. I think that's been helpful in the Red Seal trades, which the majority of apprentices go through for their training.
The agreement on internal trade has allowed for increased mobility between the provinces. I think the difficulty with mobility right now is this idea of apprentice mobility. We have 13 separate apprenticeship systems. Because you're training to be a carpenter in Nova Scotia does not mean that you're at the same stage of your training as you would be in British Columbia, if you wanted to move out there.
The mobility of apprentices has not been dealt with yet. While Red Seal's been effective once you have your ticket, there's still some work to do.
If you've lost a manufacturing job in southern Ontario, for example, and you're a millwright or an instrumentation technician, there are jobs available for you in Alberta. But it's not necessarily easy to transfer your hours on the job and your training hours. You can't just pick them up with you and have them articulated in another province. That is an area where there are still challenges.